
It is a common belief that land ‘left wild’ is beneficial to wildlife, but this is very often not the case. Most ‘wild’ habitats need on-going management to maintain their value to wildlife, and without such management will grow towards low quality woodland, or be taken over by invasive species or scrub. Vast areas of woodland, heathland, grassland, wetland and other habitats are currently neglected and degrading across the Channel Islands, with much of this land in private ownership.

Nurture Ecology aims to target such areas and bring them back into active management to improve their conservation and amenity value, whilst still making ‘use’ of the land. This ‘use’ can be for agricultural or equestrian purposes, or simply for the private landowner who wishes to enhance the beauty and wildlife value of their land for their own use and enjoyment. 

We have many years experience in land management and habitat creation, and can provide expert advice in this area. We are able to write detailed management plans, if required, as well as undertake the physical work ourselves to a very high standard. We can also help with Countryside Enhancement Scheme Applications (States grant scheme that can help pay for conservation management projects)


Land Management Services Include

  • Habitat management plans (for woodlands, grasslands, heathlands, wetlands and coastal landscapes)
  • Habitat creation, restoration and on-going management;
  • Countryside Enhancement Scheme applications and advice (States grant scheme for conservation management); 
  • Project management and subcontractor supervision, if required;
  • Footpath creation and maintenance;
  • Invasive species eradication and advice;
  • Sensitive habitat management work – e.g. tree work and sensitive species management;
  • Environmental education and guided walks;
  • Farm Biodiversity Plans.